
Showing posts from July, 2013

A Collection Of Magical Realism

Working a collection of magical realism short stories right now. In it, a woman made of glass and her clumsy husband; a father whose thirty year hailstorm has blistered his children; a sinisterly hungry fishwife, a girl charged with caring for her half-tree mother; a young woman who regrettably leads her younger sister through a fairie door; a man who devotes his life's work to stopping the wind; an elderly couple floating into the afterlife; an undead ghost who travels the world in another's subconscious; a boy who can't help but float when happy, and his mother's unwavering love; and a writer's worst nightmare, called, "The Query That Killed Her". On another note, my short story, From There to Here, will be featured in the upcoming "Grrrl Rising" issue of Moon Magazine!